Best Healthy Fruits to Eat & fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy

Eating Fruits During Pregnancy

Eating healthy fruits during pregnancy not only helps the development of your baby but as well its health after birth.

The health of your fetus directly depends on the health and well-being of the pregnant mother.

Besides taking foods that are rich in the essential nutrients needed for good health, the diet of the expectant mom should consist of the best healthy fruits and vegetables for pregnancy.

The largest amount of useful vitamins are found precisely in fruits, which are not overloaded with pesticide nitrates and are not consumed in large quantities.

What are the Benefits of Eating Fruits during Pregnancy?

There are numerous health benefits to eating fresh healthy fruits during pregnancy.

Fruits provide the essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are needed for the proper growth and development of the fetus.

Fruits are also taken during pregnancy to quench hunger they contain carbs and sugar which can help to boost energy level.

Pregnant women can experience constipation, especially in the second or the third trimester, and fruits are rich in fiber can aid digestion, and prevent constipation during pregnancy.

Fruits are also rich in vitamin C, and beta-carotene, some of the most important vitamins during early pregnancy to help protect the baby against the effects of free radicals in the body.

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Most fruits contain more than 60% water, so, eating them can keep your body hydrated during pregnancy.

It can also boost your immune system and protect you against infections while pregnant.

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Fruits to Eat during Pregnancy

Some of the healthiest and most recommended fruits to eat during pregnancy are apples and pears, as they contain a large quantity of iron, and the best time to eat them during pregnancy is in the morning.

Consuming these fruits before meals promotes the secretion of gastric juice, which is an excellent treatment for stomach pathology in case of digestive disorders.

However, it is important to eat a variety of fruits to ensure that you get a range of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Taking at least two servings of organic fruit juice per day in your diet during pregnancy is awesome.

Also, it’s recommended to eat apples and pears which have been heat-treated if you have increased acidity.

Cantaloupe, melons, and watermelon are equally healthy fruits to eat during pregnancy.

These fruits are high in serotonin, which is mainly responsible for a good mood, and folic acid, which is essential throughout pregnancy.

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You should eat cantaloupe and watermelons on an empty stomach, as they don’t stay long in the stomach and go straight to the gut.

You can also take berries such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries since they’re rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants but make sure it’s not GMO and washed properly before consumption.

Eating avocado fruit during pregnancy’s first trimester can help with natural folic acid that’s important for the baby’s neural development, and it’s a source of healthy monosaturated fats.

Mangoes and Kiwi are also healthy pregnant women, and they’re rich in Vitamin C, folate, and potassium

When eating them while pregnant, it’s important to take precautions, as overeating can lead to bloating.

Besides this, watermelons and cantaloupe melons break down cholesterol and have a diuretic effect.

Other fruits which can be classed as best fruits for pregnancy include prunes, bananas, pomelo, persimmons, pomegranates, raspberries, peaches, dried fruit, and grapefruit.


Fruits to Avoid in Pregnancy

Fruits not to eat during pregnancy include grapes, exotic fruit, strawberries, and especially papaya and pineapple.

Grapes contain residual pesticides, which can be harmful to both the mother and fetus during pregnancy.

Unripe papaya contains a latex substance that can stimulate contractions and may cause premature labor.

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Pineapple contains bromelain, which can cause tenderness and softening of the cervix, leading to premature labor.

Some of these fruits can cause excess weight gain, and allergic reactions increase uterine tonus and even become the cause of miscarriage.

Therefore, a pregnant mom should pay careful attention when selecting the fruits to take while pregnant. Because there are many allergens among them, which should only be consumed in limited quantities.

It’s also important to avoid unwashed berries such as strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries because they can carry harmful bacteria and parasites, such as listeria, which can be dangerous for pregnant mothers.

Also, a pregnant mom should not eat any fruit without being washed properly to reduce the risk of exposure to harmful bacteria, pesticides, or parasites.

In addition, if you are intolerant to any healthy fruits for pregnancy, then you should avoid them completely.

Otherwise, apart from harm, it will not bring any health benefit to you.



When choosing fruits for food, remember that fruits imported from abroad are oversaturated with pesticides, and pesticides, as you know, provoke a lot of diseases, hormonal disorders, and even oncology. Therefore, try to choose only safe and proven fruits.