Best sleeping position during pregnancy

There are many changes to your body during pregnancy, and one of them is the urge to sleep.

Sleeping during pregnancy is very important and can help your baby to grow, however, you should stop sleeping on your stomach after the first month of pregnancy.

Sleeping in Early Pregnancy

There are practically no problems with sleep during the daytime during pregnancy and at the beginning of pregnancy.

But as your size increases, it begins more uncomfortable for you to sleep, and your doctor may place you on strict bed rest if you’re too busy with your business.

If you feel dizzy, it’s one of the signs you need to rest during pregnancy as it’s very important for the pregnancy.

Best rest during early pregnancy is also important for preventing miscarriage, especially if the pregnant woman has a record of miscarriage.

Best sleeping position during pregnancy

Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

Many women like to sleep on their bellies, so they wonder whether it’s possible to sleep in this position during pregnancy.

Doctors forbid sleeping on the belly from the second trimester till the due date.

Normally, the best sleeping position is to lie on your left side, therefore, the sleeping position during the first 3 months of pregnancy should be on your side.

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During the first trimester, it’s not forbidden to sleep on the belly, but it’s also not recommended.

Sleeping on the belly, even in the early stages of pregnancy, can cause discomfort in the breasts, which increase in size and become more sensitive right after conception.

Therefore, one has to be creative to find the most comfortable sleeping position.

Let me clear this, sleeping on your right side or left side during pregnancy has nothing to do with carrying a boy or a girl in your womb.

While some women feel hurt to sleep on the left side while pregnant, other women also can’t sleep on their right side.


Problems with Sleep while Pregnant

  • If you’re having trouble sleeping, try sleeping on your side.

The left side is preferable, as most of the important arteries will be safe.

  • Sleeping on  your side with a pillow

Hold the pillow between your knees. You could use a special pillow for pregnant women – It usually looks like a banana.

  • Sleeping on a special mattress

The orthopedic mattresses will relieve the spine, relax your back muscles and improve sleep quality.

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Try different shapes and types of pillows, as well as different sleeping positions.

Soon you’ll be able to find your comfortable poses and enjoy the beautiful, vivid and sweet dreams while you sleep.

Taking a Bath to induce Sleep

Taking a bath is the best way to relieve pregnancy tension and back pain, and also to relax, rest and recover.

There are no contraindications for taking a warm bath during pregnancy, but still, you should be aware of some rules.

Water should not be hot. The temperature should not exceed 38 degrees Celsius.

The center of gravity shifts during pregnancy, so it’s necessary to put a rubber mat in the bathroom in case of any accidents.

The bath shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes to avoid dehydration of the body. You shouldn’t take a bath after your water breaks.

High temperatures won’t bring any good to the baby’s nervous system development, especially in the first trimester.

Therefore, you should limit hot baths, saunas, and jacuzzis.

It’s advisable to purchase a special thermometer for measuring the temperature of the water, so it doesn’t exceed 38 degrees.

Also Read :  Benefits of Drinking Water During Pregnancy

Taking Sleeping pills during Pregnancy

Sleeping pills are not recommended during pregnancy. They inhibit the activity of the brain, so it becomes difficult to concentrate and drive a car.

Sleeping pills are addictive, so if the pregnant woman continues to take them, the baby may also become addicted to drugs in the womb, and after birth, a course of therapy for addiction will be required.

Also, mental disorders, as well as impaired liver and kidney function, are observed in children whose mothers used to regularly take sleeping pills during pregnancy.

However, there are some medications for insomnia, whose manufacturers claim drug safety during pregnancy.

But their statements are most likely based on animal studies. So, before taking it, be sure to consult your doctor.

Instead of taking medications, try traditional methods, such as herbal teas with a calming effect.

And also, stick to these rules. Arrange the regular evening walks and air out the room before going to bed.

Do not overheat, Before going to bed, go to the bathroom.

Sleep on a comfortable bed and use the special pillows for pregnant women that will improve the quality of sleep.